The Best VPNs for Australia

Whether you’re visiting Australia or you’re a resident, a VPN is a great way to protect you from public Wi-Fi networks, among other capabilities.

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By Aliza Vigderman Aliza Vigderman, Senior Editor, Industry Analyst & Gabe Turner Gabe Turner, Chief Editor
2,500+ research hours
50+ VPNs reviewed
300 speed tests
6 experts consulted
6 VPNs recommended
  1. Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs. (2021). Data retention obligations.

  2. NordVPN. (2020). What is bandwidth throttling and how to stop it.

  3. Can Star Blue. (2020). What streaming services are there in Australia?

  4. Ciso Mag. (2020). Hackers Prefer iPhones and Instagram Accounts: Study.

  5. Australian Government. (2001). Interactive Gambling.